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The teribes - back to the roots



Worldwide the indigen  people get pressed into the apart, many times the cultures are threatened to get lost. Also the indigenas from the tribe Teribes are victims of this progress – 1977 the indigenas owned 8000 ha – today its recduced to 800 ha of the area of the indigenas.

The film describes the problems of the indigenas to go along with the progress without being a loser of the globalism. The fight about their threatened livingspaces through land robbery but also through a destroying of the environment from some big  concerns which wanna make business with the common resources of the nature.

The background of the film is a wonderful nature, intact woods and rivers in the territory of the Naso in Panama and a trade - und livingform, which kept over thousands of years the balance and the fertility of the nature.

Credits: Screenplay/Director: Carola Mair

              Camera: Hermann Dunzendorfer

´             Editing: Stephanie Maier

              Sound: Johannes Kreissl

              Music: Matthias Ruckdäschl


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2017 Carola Mair All Rights Reserved Impressum

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